Activity 3 : Listening

Mari tonton video 2 di bawah ini dengan mengklik tombol play untuk memahami lebih lanjut tentang suggestions. Kemudian cobalah jawab pertanyaan pada exercise 3.2 berdasarkan video 2 di bawah ini!

Video 2

Exercise 3.2

Instructions (click me to hide or show!)

  • Dengarkanlah dengan seksama video 2 di laman kiri.
  • Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini berdasarkan video 2.
  • Kamu bisa menggunakan terjemahan online dengan cara mengklik menu "Translator" di pojok kanan atas untuk menerjemahkan kata.
  • Klik tombol untuk mengecek jawabanmu.

    Are the sentences (1-3) true or false?

  1. "You should have some milk" is the expression of suggestion in dialog 1.

  2. "You should go to bed" is the expression of suggestion in dialog 2.

  3. "You should gargle" is the expression of suggestion in dialog 3.

  4. Answer this following questions based on video 2!

  5. Which is the correct expression of suggestion in dialog 4?

  6. Which is the correct expression of suggestion in dialog 5?

  7. Which is the correct expression of suggestion in dialog 6?