Activity 1 : Reading

Bacalah passage 1 di bawah ini!

Should I fix it?

Aluh had trouble with her cellphone*. The speaker didn’t run well. She had a plan to sell it, but she still loved it. She asked her mother.

“Mother, what should I do? My cellphone is in trouble. Should I fix it? Or should I sell it? Do you have any suggestion?” Aluh asked her mother.

“Honey, I think you should fix it if you still love and need it very much. Look, it’s quite pretty well. Just be patience. I suppose your brother can make it run well again,” her mother said.

“That’s a good idea, Mom. So, where is he? Isn’t he going camping for some days?” She said with sad face.

Her brother, Anang, was going to Bromo for a week, and it was the last day since he had gone.
“Yes, My Dear. But this is the last day and I think he is on going home right now. Why don’t you call him? Here is my phone.”

Then she called Anang to make sure that he was so. Anang said to her that he had arrived. What a surprise! She run to door and opened the door for him.

“O My Dear. I’m so happy to see you again. You look so sad. You ought to be cheerful as usual,” said Anang.

She told him what had happened. He said, “O I see. Don’t worry. I’ll handle it. Now, smile for me, My Dear.” Then, they smiled and laughed together.

*cellphone (cellular phone) = handphone = mobile phone

(Source : Bahasa Inggris Paket C Setara SMA/MA Kelas XI (2018)
Modul Tema 6 : Thanks, It’s Helpful)

Apakah kamu sudah selesai membaca passage 1 di atas? Sekarang ayo klik tombol di bawah ini untuk membuka exercise 1.1!

Exercise 1.1

Instructions (click me to hide or show!)

Untuk lebih memahami tentang passage 1
  • Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling sesuai di box berikut, kemudian drag/tarik jawaban ke kolom "meanings" di tabel untuk melengkapi artinya.
  • Kamu bisa menggunakan terjemahan online dengan cara mengklik menu "Translator" di pojok kanan atas untuk menerjemahkan kata.
  • Klik tombol untuk mengecek jawabanmu.
  • Jika box berwarna hijau artinya jawabanmu benar, sedangkan jika box berwarna merah artinya jawabanmu masih salah.

A. Fullfill the Blanks!

Sabar Menduga Memperbaiki Masalah
Menangani Saran Gembira Tawaran
Trouble (N)
Fix (V)
Patience (Adj.)
Suppose (V)
Handle (V)
Suggestion (N)
Cheerful (Adj.)
Apakah kamu sudah selesai mengerjakan Exercise 1.1 part A?
Selanjutnya, klik tombol di bawah ini untuk mengerjakan exercise 1.1 part B!

Instructions (click me to hide or show!)

  • Berdasarkan passage 1, cobalah jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan cara memilih antara pilihan a, b, c dan d.
  • Klik tombol untuk mengecek jawabanmu.
  • Jika font berwarna hijau artinya jawabanmu benar, sedangkan jika font berwarna merah artinya jawabanmu masih salah.

B. Multiple Choice
